Monday, November 23, 2015

Beer Review: Perennial Artisan Ales - Abraxas

Style: Imperial Stout
ABV: 10%

Greetings! Time for an annual post on my very dormant beer blog. Thanks for stopping by. Cracked open a bottle of Abraxas from November 2014 last night and I'm feeling inspired to write about it.

So, with a ridiculous name like Perennial Artisan Ales, they better be packing some serious game to back that up. Turns out they are, and Abraxas is one of their most highly sought after and praised beers. Hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, Perennial started getting distribution in Washington state in 2014. Happened to come across one of the few bottles of Abraxas to make it here last fall at Downtown Spirits (low key one of best shops in town for occasionally snagging hard to find beers) and snapped it up for the ol' cellar.

I had this on tap a couple times last year and totally loved it, so I've been looking forward to opening this one. Decided to go for it last weekend and it was just awesome. The cinnamon and chili flavor was still very present, but not overpowering. Was a bit worried those flavors would fade, but a year in the bottle seems to leave them very intact. Would be cautious about aging much longer, though.

Definitely has a motor oil quality to the look and mouthfeel and has a fantastic warming finish. Perfect fireside nightcap beer.

Rating: 4.5/5.0