Thursday, August 23, 2012

Beer Review: Deschutes Brewery Black Butte XXIV

Style: American Porter
ABV: 11%

Fun Fact About the Brewery:

Deschutes is one of my very favorite NW breweries, yet this is the first beer of theirs I've reviewed for this blog. That's more of a blog fun fact, though. Let's see, okay so Deschutes started in 1988 in Bend, OR, when I was 5. I've been to Bend many times, mostly to go snowboarding at Mt. Bachelor when I was a teenager, so I had no idea I was in such close proximity to such a fantastic brewery. Teenagers are dumb.


This is their 24th Anniversary reserve formula and it is a doozy. The normal, 6-pack version of the Black Butte Porter is one of my favorite standard and easily found beers. It's just so smooth and tasty. This is the fancier imperial version that they encourage you to age for a year before drinking, which I'm doing for a couple bottles. But, I had this on tap at Collins Pub and even without aging it for a year, it's pretty special. The first taste hits with the strong aroma of figs and dates, then you get the nice, chocolately and familiar porter smoothness. The dates give it a bit of a fruity taste to it, which is pretty unique for a porter. The alcohol is definitely strong and only gets stronger as it warms up. I can imagine it will blend a bit more as it ages, though.

Rating: 4.25/5

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